Don’t miss out on your preferred career opportunity. Access our affordable student loans for higher education or our various scholarship opportunites.
Currently Student Loans are given to Undergraduate Students joining UNZA, CBU, KMU, MKU, MU, CHAU and KNU from secondary schools across the country. The loans cater for tuition and accommodation fees and meal, book and project allowances. The students are required to repay their loans one year after leaving their institutions of learning.
HELSB Zambia provides a range of financial assistance programs, including student loans and scholarships. Our schemes are designed to alleviate the burden of educational expenses and promote academic excellence. We aim to nurture talent and empower individuals to achieve their academic goals.
HELSB Zambia provides a range of financial assistance programs, including student loans and scholarships. Our schemes are designed to alleviate the burden of educational expenses and promote academic excellence. We aim to nurture talent and empower individuals to achieve their academic goals.
A beneficiary’s Loan Repayment starts within one year of completion of studies or within such a period as the Board decides to recall the loan whichever is earlier. However, a beneficiary can make voluntary payments before or after they complete their studies to reduce their loan balance.
The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) has awarded additional student loans to 466 eligible students
The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) has awarded additional student loans to 466 eligible students
The KNB Scholarships for the Year 2025/2026 o er a valuable opportunity forZambian nationals to pursue higher