Higher Education Loans & Scholarship Board (HELSB)


The Board of Directors

The Board has Twelve (12) members coming from the following institutions:

1. Independent – Chairperson
2. Representative of the Higher Education Authority – V/Chairperson
3. Representative of the Ministry of Higher Education – Member
4. Representative of the Ministry of Finance – Member
5. Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Member
6. Representative of the Public Service Management Division – Member
7. Representative of the Attorney General’s Office – Member
8. Director General of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security – Member
9. Director of the Zambia Qualifications Authority – Member
10. Representative of the Bankers’ Association of Zambia – Member
11. Representative of the Zambia Federation of Employers – Member
12. Representative of the Zambia Institute of Human Resources – Member
13. Chief Executive Officer – Ex-officio

Board Committees

The Board of Directors of HELSB was inaugurated in April 2023, marking a significant milestone in the organization’s governance structure. Comprising accomplished professionals and experts in various fields, the Board brings a wealth of experience and expertise to its oversight role. To efficiently execute its functions and ensure effective governance, the Board has established several Committees.These Committees serve as specialized bodies tasked with addressing specific areas of concern and providing strategic guidance on key matters.