The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) has awarded additional student loans to 573 eligible students across five universities.
The Loans Committee, chaired by Mrs. Mercy Ngoma, approved these awards during a meeting held on September 25, 2024. The breakdown of the awards is as follows:
- Mulungushi University: 247 returning students applied for a change of status from self-funding to HELSB support.
- Kwame Nkrumah University: 174 awards were granted to students who appealed for consideration.
- Chalimbana University: 126 students received additional awards.
- Palabana University: 26 students were awarded loans.
- Kapasa Makasa University: One applicant upgraded their loan from 75% to 100% due to financial constraints in covering the remaining 25%.
These additional loans have been funded through internal savings, with some awards replacing students who either declined the offer or opted for part-time studies.
Editor’s note
HELSB received is currently supporting students at 8 public universities, these include, Chalibana University, Copperbelt University, Kapasa Makasa University, Kwame Nkrumah University, Mukuba University, Mulungushi University and University of Zambia.
HELSB has also added Zambia University College of Technology on the student Loan Scheme. The institution will see its first cohort of students being sponsored this year.